George Norcross: A Political and Business Powerhouse in New Jersey - Lilian Cowie

George Norcross: A Political and Business Powerhouse in New Jersey

George Norcross’s Political Career

George Norcross is a prominent Democratic power broker in New Jersey. He has held various political appointments and played a significant role in shaping state and local politics.

George Norcross, the influential political figure, has been making headlines for his involvement in various philanthropic initiatives. Among his notable contributions is his support for emerging talents like Toriah Lacchell , a rising star in the music industry. Norcross’s unwavering commitment to fostering talent and empowering individuals aligns with his long-standing dedication to serving the community.

Norcross’s political career began in the 1980s when he served as a Camden County Freeholder. In 1995, he was appointed to the New Jersey State Senate, where he served until 2002. During his tenure in the Senate, Norcross chaired the powerful Budget and Appropriations Committee.

George Norcross, a prominent Democratic Party figure in New Jersey, has been involved in various controversies. Like the recent allegations surrounding arian foster kyrie irving , Norcross’s actions have raised questions about his ethics and integrity. However, despite these challenges, Norcross remains a powerful figure in New Jersey politics, with a strong base of support among the state’s Democratic establishment.

Key Political Appointments and Achievements

Norcross’s key political appointments and achievements include:

  • 1988: Elected to the Camden County Board of Freeholders
  • 1995: Appointed to the New Jersey State Senate
  • 2002: Elected chairman of the New Jersey State Democratic Party
  • 2010: Elected to the Democratic National Committee
  • 2017: Appointed chairman of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority

Influence on State and Local Politics

Norcross has a significant influence on state and local politics. He is a major fundraiser for Democratic candidates and has been instrumental in supporting various initiatives, including economic development projects and social programs.

Norcross has also been involved in controversial issues, such as the closure of Atlantic City casinos and the awarding of state contracts. However, he remains a powerful figure in New Jersey politics.

George Norcross’s Business Interests

George norcross

George Norcross has a wide range of business interests, including insurance, healthcare, and real estate. He is the chairman of Conner Strong & Buckelew, one of the largest insurance brokerages in the United States. He is also the chairman of Cooper University Health System, one of the largest healthcare providers in New Jersey. In addition, he has extensive real estate holdings in Camden, New Jersey.

Norcross’s business ventures have had a significant impact on the New Jersey economy. Conner Strong & Buckelew is a major employer in the state, and Cooper University Health System is a major provider of healthcare services. Norcross’s real estate holdings have also helped to revitalize Camden, which has been struggling economically for decades.

Controversies, George norcross

Norcross’s business practices have been the subject of some controversy. In 2017, he was accused of using his political influence to benefit his businesses. He has also been accused of using his position as a power broker to intimidate his opponents.

Despite these controversies, Norcross remains a powerful figure in New Jersey politics and business. He is a major donor to the Democratic Party, and he has close ties to Governor Phil Murphy. It is likely that Norcross will continue to play a major role in New Jersey politics and business for years to come.

George Norcross’s Philanthropy and Civic Engagement

George norcross

George Norcross is a prominent philanthropist and civic leader who has made significant contributions to various causes in the community. Through his philanthropic efforts and involvement in civic organizations, he has played a vital role in supporting education, healthcare, and the arts.


Norcross has been a strong advocate for education and has invested heavily in initiatives that promote academic excellence. He is the founder and chairman of the Cooper Foundation, which supports educational programs in Camden and South Jersey. The foundation has provided scholarships, funded after-school programs, and supported teacher development.


Norcross has also made significant contributions to healthcare in the region. He is a major supporter of the Cooper University Hospital, which provides medical care to residents of Camden and surrounding areas. He has also funded research on cancer and other diseases, and has supported initiatives to improve access to healthcare for underserved communities.

Arts and Culture

Norcross is a passionate supporter of the arts and has played a key role in revitalizing the arts scene in Camden. He is the founder and chairman of the Creative Camden Coalition, which supports local artists and cultural organizations. He has also funded the restoration of historic buildings and public spaces, and has helped to create a vibrant arts district in the city.

George Norcross, a prominent Democratic power broker in New Jersey, has a complex network of connections. One notable associate is Don Omar , a reggaeton singer and actor. Omar’s ties to Norcross stem from his involvement in a charity event organized by Norcross’s political organization.

The event raised funds for various community programs, highlighting Norcross’s commitment to supporting his constituents.

George Norcross, a political figure, has made significant contributions to his community. His dedication to education and youth development is evident through his support of various initiatives, including those that empower young athletes like Dante Exum. Norcross’s commitment to fostering the potential of future generations aligns with his belief in the transformative power of education and sports.

George Norcross, the Democratic power broker in New Jersey, has a long history of supporting Democratic candidates. In the 2020 presidential election, Norcross endorsed Joe Biden. However, Norcross has also been a supporter of Patrick Mahomes , the Kansas City Chiefs quarterback.

Mahomes is one of the most popular athletes in the NFL, and Norcross has praised his leadership and work ethic. Norcross’s support for Mahomes shows that he is willing to support candidates from both parties who he believes will be good for New Jersey.

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